Intro to BGP with BIRD

ยท 2883 words ยท 14 minute read

Introduction ๐Ÿ”—

Border Gateway Protocol (BGP) is one of the core technologies involved in making our internet work, allowing networks to communicate their routes among eachother. Understanding how this tool can be used to define the topology of a network will both give you a better understanding of how internetworking and allow you translate this robustness into your own network.

By the end of this tutorial, you will be familiar with the core concepts of BGP and have the proper vocabulary to communicate this to another network engineer. You will also be able to use a userland routing daemon, BIRD, to establish peering sessions and begin announcing routes.

I plan to achieve this using a virtualized docker playground which can be downloaded here . In order to complete this tutorial you will need to ensure you have docker and docker-compose installed.

Setup ๐Ÿ”—

To begin, you will need to clone the repo of the bird_examples_docker project.

ncatelli@ofet> git clone
ncatelli@ofet> cd bird_examples_docker
ncatelli@ofet> docker-compose up -d

This should create three containers (peer1, peer2 and peer3), all of which have BIRD installed and have peering sessions established. Don’t worry if you don’t know what this means yet, we will cover it shortly after we have our BGP playground set up and ready to go.

Login in to your playground ๐Ÿ”—

We will start by connecting to peer1 and checking that everything was setup correctly.

ncatelli@ofet> docker-compose exec peer1 bash
root@peer1:/# birdc show protocols
BIRD 1.6.6 ready.
name     proto    table    state  since       info
kernel1  Kernel   master   up     02:36:03    
device1  Device   master   up     02:36:03    
direct1  Direct   master   up     02:36:03    
peer2    BGP      master   up     02:36:08    Established   
peer3    BGP      master   up     02:36:07    Established    

If you see that peer2 and peer3 are “Established”, everything is working as expected and we are ready to go. Before we begin playing with this playground, I will provide a brief overview of how BGP works.

BGP Overview ๐Ÿ”—

Terminology ๐Ÿ”—

Border Gateway Protocol (BGP) is an exterior gateway protocol that is used to exchange routing information between autonomous systems. An autonomous system (AS) is an organizational unit of routing prefixes and policies. These AS are identified by a unique 16-bit, and later 32-bit, autonomous system number (ASN). For example, Facebook’s ASN would be 32934 or as commonly presented AS32934. The power of BGP lies in its ability to communicate routing protocols and policies among tens of thousands of decentralized AS.

The internet, along with many other networks, is composed of many autonomous systems that communicate between each other. This communication is facilitated by a peering session, which allows two AS to exchange policies, routes and link status. All of this information is exchanged between two BGP daemons, which will be listening on TCP port 179.

While BGP is considered an exterior gateway protocol that is used for routing between large organizations on the internet, it can also be used within an AS to enable their network engineers to control the topology of their internal network. This is where the terms exterior BGP (eBGP) and interior BGP (iBGP) stem from. iBGP will be our focus for the rest of this tutorial. We will now start experimenting with these peering sessions using BIRD and its interactive command-line tool, birdc.

Introduction to BIRD ๐Ÿ”—

BIRD is a fully-functional routing daemon that supports many different routing protocols, including BGP. BIRD provides a simple configuration format and command line utility for interacting with sessions. BIRD also comes with built-in support for both IPv4 and IPv6 and the respective tools to work with both protocols.

Examining Sessions ๐Ÿ”—

Similiar to how we verified that our docker environment was provisioned properly, we can view running sessions by running:

root@peer1:/# birdc show protocols
BIRD 1.6.6 ready.
name     proto    table    state  since       info
kernel1  Kernel   master   up     02:36:02    
device1  Device   master   up     02:36:02    
direct1  Direct   master   up     02:36:02    
peer2    BGP      master   up     02:36:07    Established   
peer3    BGP      master   up     02:36:06    Established         

This gives us a lot of information. However, let us focus on the last two entries, peer2 and peer3. We can see that they are both BGP protocols and that the info field is Established. Each of these entries correspond to a BGP session that peer1 has open with peer2 and peer3. To demonstrate the relationship of these values to our running sessions, let’s stop the bird service on peer2. In a new terminal window run the following to stop peer2, simulating a network failure.

ncatelli@ofet> docker-compose stop peer2
Stopping bird_examples_peer2_1 ... done
root@peer1:/# birdc show protocols
BIRD 1.6.6 ready.
name     proto    table    state  since       info
kernel1  Kernel   master   up     02:36:02    
device1  Device   master   up     02:36:02    
direct1  Direct   master   up     02:36:02    
peer2    BGP      master   start  02:43:38    Connect       Socket: Connection closed
peer3    BGP      master   up     02:36:06    Established  

By restarting peer2, a BIRD should restart and subsequently the peering session should be reestablished.

ncatelli@ofet> docker-compose start peer2
Starting peer2 ... done
root@peer1:/# birdc show protocols
BIRD 1.6.6 ready.
name     proto    table    state  since       info
kernel1  Kernel   master   up     02:36:02    
device1  Device   master   up     02:36:02    
direct1  Direct   master   up     02:36:02    
peer2    BGP      master   up     02:46:29    Established   
peer3    BGP      master   up     02:36:06    Established    

By stopping the bird daemon on peer2, we have made the TCP connection on port 179 close between peer1 and peer2. Doing this changes our peer session from Established to Connect. Established and Connect correspond to two of many BGP states, however for the sake of this tutorial we will focus only on Established and consider all other values as not-established. For those more curious, more information on session states can be found in the wikipedia article on BGP.

Configuring a BGP Session ๐Ÿ”—

Although we now know how to check whether our session are up in our BGP playground, it’s also important to understand how these sessions were configured in the first place. For that, we need to dig into the bird configuration files. Let’s look at the configuration files under /etc/bird on peer1.

root@peer1:~# cat /etc/bird/bird.conf
router id;

protocol kernel {
  metric 0;
  import none;
  export all;

protocol device {

protocol direct {

protocol bgp peer2 {
  local as 64512;
  neighbor as 64513;
  import all;
  export all;

protocol bgp peer3 {
  local as 64512;
  neighbor as 64514;
  import all;
  export all;

We can see that the configuration required to establish these initial sessions is very minimal. Let’s dig deeper into what actually makes this work. For that, we will focus on one specific block. Our protocol bgp peer2 block:

protocol bgp peer2 {
  local as 64512;
  neighbor as 64513;
  import all;
  export none;

Earlier in this tutorial, we discussed the difference between eBGP and iBGP and how large AS identify themselves with a unique ASN. However, a small section of the available ASN have been reserved for private iBGP use. This range is 64512 - 65534. Knowing this, we can see that we have allocated a ASN from the private range to our peer2. This local as statement refers to the ASN of your local machine. In this case, peer1 is assigned the ASN 64512.

Looking at the next statement, we can see a neighbor statement with both an IP and an additional AS. This IP corresponds to the host, or neighbor in BGP lingo, that we are attempting to establish a session with, while the AS 64513 corresponds to the AS we’ve assigned to the host, peer2. We can confirm this by looking at the configuration file on peer2.

root@peer2:/# grep -A4 peer1 /etc/bird/bird.conf
protocol bgp peer1 {
  local as 64513;
  neighbor as 64512;
  export none;

It is these two directives in our protocol BGP blocks that handle the initial establishment of sessions.

While establishing and maintaining sessions is crucial to the operation of BGP, established sessions alone will not allow you to route any traffic. In the next section, we will explore some of the other elements of our configuration files and how we can use them to discover and announce routes between our nodes. Before we proceed with doing this. I’d like to review our current topology.

Currently we have three nodes in our network, peer1 (AS64512), peer2 (AS64513) and peer3 (AS64514). These are configured in the same broadcast domain however the peering is structured like peer3 <-> peer1 <-> peer2. This structure allows communication of routes from either peer2 or peer3 through our route server, peer1. Please keep this topology in mind as we proceed with the next step of this tutorial, advertising routes.

Advertising Routes with BGP ๐Ÿ”—

Kernel Protocol ๐Ÿ”—

Before we begin announcing routes between bird daemons, we should first understand how BIRD communicates routes between the linux kernel and the BIRD daemon. This is where that kernel protocol block we saw earlier comes into play.

protocol kernel {
  metric 0;
  import none;
  export all; 

There are many options that can be specified in the kernel block, and more information on those can be found here, however the bulk of what we want to do is defined by the import/export definitions.

import none;

Tells BIRD to not read routes in from the kernel routing table into BIRD. We will be obtaining our routes via the direct protocol which we will configure shortly.

export all;

Tells BIRD to export all routes learned by other announcements into the kernel’s routing table. This allows us to actually leverage any learned routes on this host.

metric 0;

The metric value is used by the linux kernel to determine the priority of a route, picking the one with the lowest priority. In this case we have set it to an 0 or undefined so that we prefer local routes.


Finally, we will set the learn directive which will allow other daemons to learn about routes from the kernel routing table.

Discovering direct routes ๐Ÿ”—

Now that we have configured our BIRD daemons to push routes directly to the kernel routing table, we will need to configure our peers to discover local direct routes. Since we will be adding these routes directly to our loopback interface, in your editor of choice, let’s configure the direct protocol to only use the lo interface.

ncatelli@ofet> grep -A2 direct conf/peer2/etc/bird/bird.conf
protocol direct {
  interface "lo";
ncatelli@ofet> docker-compose restart peer2
Restarting bird_examples_peer2_1 ... done

Since we also have peer3 on our network, let’s do the same on this host to prevent any other routes from being announced.

ncatelli@ofet> grep -A2 direct conf/peer3/etc/bird/bird.conf
protocol direct {
  interface "lo";
ncatelli@ofet> docker-compose restart peer3
Restarting bird_examples_peer3_1 ... done

At this point, we will have no routes learned or announced other than our default subnets, which can be verified with birdc.

root@peer2:/# birdc show route all
BIRD 1.6.6 ready.        via on eth0 [peer1 03:05:02] ! (100) [AS64512i]
        Type: BGP unicast univ
        BGP.origin: IGP
        BGP.as_path: 64512
        BGP.local_pref: 100      via on eth0 [peer1 03:05:02] * (100) [AS64512i]
        Type: BGP unicast univ
        BGP.origin: IGP
        BGP.as_path: 64512
        BGP.local_pref: 100

Filtering imports and exports ๐Ÿ”—

Similar to the kernel module, export and import can be used to control what is imported and exported by a BGP peer. Let’s begin by exploring the concept of filtering and how it can be used to control what routes will be announced or exported.

Filters in BIRD are basically functions that execute on routes, returning either accept or reject. This allows us to apply a simple programming language to add logic to our routing policies. Filters can contain anything from a single statement to very complex logic. To begin, let’s reimplement our none and all directives as filters, adding them to our bird.conf file above the include directive.

filter accept_all {
filter reject_all {

Now that we have our filters in place, let’s implement them in our import/export directives for one of our protocol blocks. On your host, peer1, lets look at the block for protocol bgp peer2.

protocol bgp peer2 {
  local as 64512;
  neighbor as 64513;
  import filter accept_all;
  export filter accept_all;

Functionally, this is identical to our original configuration, however now we can extend these settings with further logic. The power of these filters can be understood by researching the filter scripting language further. To expand on what we have learned, let’s create a filter in our bird.conf on peer2 to control routes we want to announce to peer1.

filter export_subnets {
  if net ~ [ ] then {

and finally we will need to update our protocol bgp peer1 on peer2 to use this export filter.

root@peer2:/# grep -A4 peer1 /etc/bird/bird.conf
protocol bgp peer1 {
  local as 64513;
  neighbor as 64512;
  export filter export_subnets; 
ncatelli@ofet> docker-compose restart peer1 peer2
Restarting bird_examples_peer2_1 ... done
Restarting bird_examples_peer1_1 ... done

Announcing Routes with BIRD ๐Ÿ”—

We now have all the building blocks we need to begin announcing routes between peer1 and peer2. Before we do that, let’s recap what we have done. To begin, we’ve configured the BIRD daemon to communicate between its internal routing tables and the kernel routing tables with our kernel protocol. We’ve configured the BIRD daemon to learn routes from the loopback interface with the direct protocol. We’ve also configured peer1 to import routes from the other peers and export those routes. Finally we configured peer2 to only export to peer1 with our export_subnets filter. However, at this point we have no routes currently announced from peer2 to peer1.

root@peer1:/# ip route  
default via dev eth0 dev eth0 proto kernel scope link src dev eth1 proto kernel scope link src

Since we’ve set up all the building blocks to learn our routes from from the loopback interface. We should be able to directly announce a route by adding an IP to the loopback on peer2.

root@peer2:/# ip a add dev lo

Now if we look at both birdc and the kernel routing table on peer1 we should begin to see routes on peer1 to this new IP.

root@peer1:~# ip route
default viia dev eth0 dev eth1 proto kernel scope link src dev eth0 proto kernel scope link src dev eth2 proto kernel scope link src via dev eth1 proto bird
root@peer1:/# birdc show route all
BIRD 1.6.6 ready.        dev eth0 [direct1 03:10:33] * (240)
        Type: device unicast univ      dev eth1 [direct1 03:10:33] * (240)
        Type: device unicast univ     via on eth0 [peer2 03:12:39] * (100) [AS64513i]
        Type: BGP unicast univ
        BGP.origin: IGP
        BGP.as_path: 64513
        BGP.local_pref: 100

A ping will show that we can now send traffic to this host from peer1.

root@peer1:/# ping -c 1
PING ( 56(84) bytes of data.
64 bytes from icmp_seq=1 ttl=64 time=0.135 ms

--- ping statistics ---
1 packets transmitted, 1 received, 0% packet loss, time 0ms
rtt min/avg/max/mdev = 0.135/0.135/0.135/0.000 ms

We can also see that we can now see that these routes are being announced on to peer3 via peer1.

root@peer3:/# birdc show route all
BIRD 1.6.6 ready.        via on eth0 [peer3 03:10:37] * (100) [AS64512i]
        Type: BGP unicast univ
        BGP.origin: IGP
        BGP.as_path: 64512
        BGP.local_pref: 100      via on eth0 [peer3 03:10:37] ! (100) [AS64512i]
        Type: BGP unicast univ
        BGP.origin: IGP
        BGP.as_path: 64512
        BGP.local_pref: 100     via on eth0 [peer3 03:12:38] * (100) [AS64513i]
        Type: BGP unicast univ
        BGP.origin: IGP
        BGP.as_path: 64512 64513
        BGP.local_pref: 100
root@peer3:/# ping -c 1
PING ( 56(84) bytes of data.
64 bytes from icmp_seq=1 ttl=63 time=0.082 ms

--- ping statistics ---
1 packets transmitted, 1 received, 0% packet loss, time 0ms
rtt min/avg/max/mdev = 0.082/0.082/0.082/0.000 ms
root@peer3:/# traceroute
traceroute to (, 64 hops max
  1  0.005ms  0.003ms  0.003ms 
  2  0.003ms  0.003ms  0.003ms

We can tell this is happening by viewing the AS PATH. By looking at the AS PATH associated with the route in birdc we can see that the route announced from 64513 to 64512 before reaching peer3.

BGP.as_path: 64512 64513

Because peer1 was configured to export routes to peer3, and because peer3 was configured to import routes from peer1, we were able to get this route into the BIRD routing table on peer3. Then, because we have the kernel protocol configured to export routes in BIRD, these routes will make it into the kernel routing table on peer3.

Next steps ๐Ÿ”—

We’ve explored many concepts in this simple tutorial, however we’ve barely scratched the surface of what bird and, by extension, BGP can do. Feel free to use this playground to further experiement with announcing and filtering routes. In later tutorials, we will dig deeper into how BGP works and the processes it uses to determine routes, including what communities and local preference are and how these can be used by your BGP daemon to choose the best path to a server. We will also explore what an anycasted IP is and how we can configure high-availability with BGP as well as how we can use filtering policies, in place of our direct interface policies, to control what prefixes are announced to each node. BGP can give you a significant amount of control over the topology of your network and understanding how to use it will allow you to better shape your network to how you see fit.